what you can do about climate change

your journey to zero carbon starts here

There are two sides to climate change: greenhouse gas emissions due to over-consumption and a catastrophic loss of biodiversity due to over-exploitation. It’s hard to know which is the greater threat: increasingly unstable weather or ecosystem collapse. 

The question is, what can we do? It’s our job to help you answer that question.

Let’s start with WHY you need to take action . . . and why you most likely need help.

It’s not necessary to fret about ‘net zero’. Reducing your environmental impact and carbon footprint is a process, not a one-off event. Solutions are not always apparent and it takes time. Furthermore, ‘offsetting’ is a spurious means of achieving a low carbon operation. It’s not credible and it’s not even necessary.

your climate adaptation strategy

Your road map to zero carbon should be based on a robust assessment of your particular circumstances and on the nature of your organisation, crafting a strategy which aligns the needs of your business with the needs of the planet.

This is the HOW . . .

1 - measure your impacts

Carbon footprinting is a good start, but there is more to it than that.

Start by converting your energy consumption into equivalent measures of CO2 emissions for your premises and your products. But much of our impact is out of sight, up and down the supply chain, and, depending on the nature of your business, possibly in other parts of the world. This demands a thorough assessment. Your impacts are more than ‘just’ emissions.

2 - reduce your emissions

Use our Smart Energy Solutions methodology to identify what to change and set out your roadmap.

By means of a clever combination of smart technology and innovation, we work with you to identify which Smart Energy Solution will deliver the highest reduction in carbon, consumption, and costs for your business. We enable you to pay for your chosen solution through the savings generated by the solution itself, without any additional upfront cost.

3 - restore biodiversity

Land use change, and loss of habitats and biodiversity, are the other side of the climate change coin.

Restoring biodiversity and reconnecting with nature are important tools in the climate armoury. Even in urban and commercial settings, there are plenty of opportunities, from planting trees to rewilding unused spaces, nurturing wildlife corridors and sequestering carbon directly on site. It’s also important to review your procurement and supply chain for hidden impacts.

Click here to download our free guide > > >

smart energy solutions

From a quick – and free – survey of your premises and utility bills, we’ll recommend one or more of a long list of ‘best of breed’ technologies.

We will also interrogate more than 50 energy suppliers to make sure you’re on the most appropriate tariff. Not forgetting often unbudgeted utilities such as water, communications and server systems.

Research papers

It’s a feature of our work to carry out in depth research in order to provide detailed information to help guide important decisions.

Click the links to download examples of our research as free pdf files.

training and awareness

Help your staff learn their role in climate adaptation, and how they will be affected. Click the image to download more details.